How to Pronounce Erastus
Audio Pronunciation of Erastus
Phonetic Pronunciation of Erastus
ee-RAS-tuhs [sg_popup id="1"](View Pronunciation Guide)[/sg_popup]How to Say Erastus
Now that you know how to correctly say Erastus, be sure to check out some of the hundreds of other names on our website. And be sure to bookmark our website so you can easily learn how to say or pronounce other Bible words!Learn more about Erastus from the Easton’s Bible Dictionary
Beloved. (1.) The "chamberlain" of the city of Corinth (Rom. 16:23), and one of Paul's disciples. As treasurer of such a city he was a public officer of great dignity, and his conversion to the gospel was accordingly a proof of the wonderful success of the apostle's labours.
(2.) A companion of Paul at Ephesus, who was sent by him along with Timothy into Macedonia (Acts 19:22). Corinth was his usual place of abode (2 Tim. 4:20); but probably he may have been the same as the preceding.