How to Pronounce Jotham

We’ve all struggled to pronounce Bible names and places, especially those pesky Old Testament names! This free audio Bible name pronunciation guide is a valuable tool in your study of God’s word. Click the PLAY button below to hear how to pronounce Jotham . There is also a phonetic guide to use to see the proper pronunciation of Jotham . For more information about Jotham , check out the Easton Bible dictionary entry as well.

Audio Pronunciation of Jotham

Phonetic Pronunciation of Jotham

DZHO-thuhm [sg_popup id="1"](View Pronunciation Guide)[/sg_popup]

How to Say Jotham

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Learn more about Jotham from the Easton’s Bible Dictionary

Jehovah is perfect. (1.) The youngest of Gideon's seventy sons. He escaped when the rest were put to death by the order of Abimelech (Judg. 9:5). When "the citizens of Shechem and the whole house of Millo" were gathered together "by the plain of the pillar" (i.e., the stone set up by Joshua, 24:26; comp. Gen. 35:4) "that was in Shechem, to make Abimelech king," from one of the heights of Mount Gerizim he protested against their doing so in the earliest parable, that of the bramble-king. His words then spoken were prophetic. There came a recoil in the feelings of the people toward Abimelech, and then a terrible revenge, in which many were slain and the city of Shechem was destroyed by Abimelech (Judg. 9:45). Having delivered his warning, Jotham fled to Beer from the vengeance of Abimelech (9:7-21).
(2.) The son and successor of Uzziah on the throne of Judah. As during his last years Uzziah was excluded from public life on account of his leprosy, his son, then twenty-five years of age, administered for seven years the affairs of the kingdom in his father's stead (2 Chr. 26:21, 23; 27:1). After his father's death he became sole monarch, and reigned for sixteen years (B.C. 759-743). He ruled in the fear of God, and his reign was prosperous. He was contemporary with the prophets Isaiah, Hosea, and Micah, by whose ministrations he profited. He was buried in the sepulchre of the kings, greatly lamented by the people (2 Kings 15:38; 2 Chr. 27:7-9).