How to Pronounce Miriam
Audio Pronunciation of Miriam
Phonetic Pronunciation of Miriam
MIHR-ih-uhm [sg_popup id="1"](View Pronunciation Guide)[/sg_popup]How to Say Miriam
Now that you know how to correctly say Miriam, be sure to check out some of the hundreds of other names on our website. And be sure to bookmark our website so you can easily learn how to say or pronounce other Bible words!Learn more about Miriam from the Easton’s Bible Dictionary
Their rebellion. (1.) The sister of Moses and Aaron (Ex. 2:4-10; 1 Chr. 6:3). Her name is prominent in the history of the Exodus. She is called "the prophetess" (Ex. 15:20). She took the lead in the song of triumph after the passage of the Red Sea. She died at Kadesh during the second encampment at that place, toward the close of the wanderings in the wilderness, and was buried there (Num. 20:1). (See [405]AARON; [406]MOSES.)
(2.) 1 Chr. 4:17, one of the descendants of Judah.