How to Pronounce Nahor
Audio Pronunciation of Nahor
Phonetic Pronunciation of Nahor
NAY-kawr [sg_popup id="1"](View Pronunciation Guide)[/sg_popup]How to Say Nahor
Now that you know how to correctly say Nahor, be sure to check out some of the hundreds of other names on our website. And be sure to bookmark our website so you can easily learn how to say or pronounce other Bible words!Learn more about Nahor from the Easton’s Bible Dictionary
Snorting. (1.) The father of Terah, who was the father of Abraham (Gen. 11:22-25; Luke 3:34).
(2.) A son of Terah, and elder brother of Abraham (Gen. 11:26, 27; Josh. 24:2, R.V.). He married Milcah, the daughter of his brother Haran, and remained in the land of his nativity on the east of the river Euphrates at Haran (Gen. 11:27-32). A correspondence was maintained between the family of Abraham in Canaan and the relatives in the old ancestral home at Haran till the time of Jacob. When Jacob fled from Haran all intercourse between the two branches of the family came to an end (Gen. 31:55). His grand-daughter Rebekah became Isaac's wife (24:67).