How to Pronounce Reuben
Audio Pronunciation of Reuben
Phonetic Pronunciation of Reuben
ROO-b'n [sg_popup id="1"](View Pronunciation Guide)[/sg_popup]How to Say Reuben
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Behold a son!, the eldest son of Jacob and Leah (Gen. 29:32). His sinful conduct, referred to in Gen. 35:22, brought down upon him his dying father's malediction (48:4). He showed kindness to Joseph, and was the means of saving his life when his other brothers would have put him to death (37:21, 22). It was he also who pledged his life and the life of his sons when Jacob was unwilling to let Benjamin go down into Egypt. After Jacob and his family went down into Egypt (46:8) no further mention is made of Reuben beyond what is recorded in ch. 49:3, 4.